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AmigaOS Software

This database is designed to track the hundreds of available applications that are compatible with AmigaOS 4.x, whether native applications or classic applications from the OS 3.x days. Here you can look up a specific application to see if it works and how. Keeping the database current relies upon your input so please, if you see something missing, would like to add a tip to a title already listed, or believe there is a mistake, let us know!

Native AmigaOS 4.x Software
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q]
[R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [#] [All]
Program Version Compatability

Classic Software
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q]
[R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [#] [All] [Non-Compatible]
Program Version Compatability

Ibrowse 2.3 FULL
Works well.
Tested on OS4 update 4 and also works well, benefiting from the JIT emulation.

ICON Calendar 1.0 FULL
Displays date in an AppIcon.

IconDeluxe 2.0 FULL
Icon editor - limited to 256 colors IIRC.

Iconian 2.98u FULL
Classic Icon editor

IconMaster 1.1 FULL
MUI based IconMaster opens a window with two sides. On the left you can drag and drop any icon from workbench to be your source icon. Drop any icon into the window on the right, and the image from the icon
on the left will be copied to the image for the icon on the right, but will not los any of its other attributes. Very intuitive way to update icons from Workbench

IFFMaster 1.6 FULL
Examine the chunks of IFF files. Occasional DSIs under OS4 but mostly fine.

Ignition 1.0b1 FULL
verified by scabit (31/08/12)

Image Studio 2.3.0 FULL
24-bit Image Processing and Conversion Package.
Shareware version will crop pictures to 512x512 pixels. All other operations
are available.

ImageFX 4.5 FULL
The Amiga's top-rated image editing and special effects package, ImageFX is entering a new era. ImageFX has stood as one of the best special effects packages available for any platform for over ten years now, with no end in sight. No longer l

ImageFX Lite 28th July 2004 FULL

Imagine 3D 5.14 FULL
DSI on launch, works thereafter; verified by scabit (31/08/12)

Intra 2.17 FULL
Invoice Database System

IntroCAD 1.9 FULL
Early Amiga CAD drawing program featuring 16 colors, basic drawing tools and capabilities. All tools work fine including zoom, circles, arcs, lines, etc. Printing works too by selecting print screen, selecting printer, and then putting in (in my case) USBPRT: as the file to print to... sends perfeclty to my inkjey printer.

IntroCAD Plus 2.07 Partial
IntroCAD Plus loads & displays it's native format drawing
files. That's as far as I went with investigating
if it would run with OS4. If OS4 can allow this,
chances are the entire program will run fine.

InvoiceIt! 1.1 FULL
verified by scabit (31/08/12)

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