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Here you can find all the video clips, sound clips etc we host. If you have anything you'd like us to host please contact us. To view/listen/download the clips please click on the format link that you require. Video file containers should be either MPG or AVI to view more easily in DVplayer.

Please not the most recent files are at the top of the list, with the older ones to the bottom.
Video AmiWest 2012: Solie on AmigaOS 4.1 and its roadmap
Steven Solie, lead developer on AmigaOS 4.1.x, talks about its road map and takes questions from the audience. From the Amiwest Show in Sacramento, California, Oct. 20, 2012. Courtesy of Robert Bernardo.

Format: AVI / MPEG4 Running Time: 00:51:14
Uploaded: 11th November 2012

Video AmiWest 2012: Hazelwood on Xena and Xorro
Lyle Hazelwood talks about programming the Xena chip and the use of Xorro on the AmigaOne X1000. From the Amiwest Show in Sacramento, California, Oct. 20, 2012. Courtesy of Robert Bernardo.

Format: AVI / MPEG4 Running Time: 00:37:26
Uploaded: 11th November 2012

Video AmiWest 2012: Dickinson on the AmigaOne X1000 and more
Trevor Dickinson of A-EON speaks about AmigaOne X1000 sales, planning, and more. From the Amiwest Show in Sacramento, California, Oct. 20, 2012. Courtesy of Robert Bernardo.

Format: AVI / MPEG4 Running Time: 00:30:50
Uploaded: 2nd November 2012

Video AmiWest 2012: Bosari on the latest Amiga games
Bill Bosari gives a presentation on some of the best Amiga games that have recently been released. From the Amiwest Show in Sacramento, California, Oct. 20, 2012. Courtesy of Robert Bernardo.

Format: AVI / MPEG4 Running Time: 00:17:11
Uploaded: 2nd November 2012

Video AmiWest 2012: Stephens on the best programs for Amiga...
Eldee Stephens describes some of the best programs to use with AmigaOS 4.1. From the Amiwest Show in Sacramento, California, Oct. 21, 2012. Courtesy of Robert Bernardo.

Format: AVI / MPEG4 Running Time: 00:48:00
Uploaded: 26th October 2012

Video AmiWest 2012: Hazelwood on Score and Bars & Pipes for Amiga
Lyle Hazelwood tells of his plans for Score and for Bars & Pipes to run on AmigaOS 4.x. From the Amiwest Show in Sacramento, California, Oct. 21, 2012. Courtesy of Robert Bernardo.

Format: AVI / MPEG4 Running Time: 00:20:40
Uploaded: 26th October 2012

Video AmiWest 2009: Keynote speech part 1
Part 1 of the keynote speech during the banquet evening. The topic of discussion was the relevance of vintage computers today.

Format: MPEG4 Running Time: 01:05:21
Uploaded: 27th October 2009

Video AmiWest 2009: Games Competition
Bill Bosari shot some footage of the game competition at AmiWest.

Format: MPEG4 Running Time: 00:11:37
Uploaded: 26th October 2009

Video AmiWest 2009: OS4 Tips and Tricks
Yet another AmiWest Show 2009 video has been posted -- this time Bill Bosari gives tips and tricks on how to use Amiga OS 4.x, how to buy equipment for use with the OS, and more.

Format: MPEG4 Running Time: 00:47:01
Uploaded: 23rd October 2009

Video AmiWest 2009: Steven Solie Speech
Steven Solie announced the lawsuits between Hyperion & Amiga have been settled and answers questions from the audience at AmiWest 2009.

Format: MPEG4 Running Time: 00:37:04
Uploaded: 23rd October 2009

Video AmiWest 2009: Paul Sadlik OS4.1.1 Introduction
Paul Sadlik, OS 4.x beta tester, gives a detailed explanation of the new/improved features on the new Amiga OS 4.1.1 which is planned to be released by year's end

Format: MPEG4 Running Time: 00:44:41
Uploaded: 23rd October 2009

Video OS4, RDesktop and Screen dragging
See RDesktop in action on OS4, while dragging all manner of screens and windows in all manner of directions, with hardly any slow down

Format: FMP4 - MPEG1
Running Time: 00:00:39
Uploaded: 25th February 2006

Video The Mysterious City of Cold - animation
This is a preview of an animation a fellow Amiga user is creating using Deluxe Paint 5 and AnimatED on a classic Amiga.

Format: XviD
Running Time: 00:21:03
Uploaded: 19th September 2005

Video OS4 Teaser, August 2005
This video show the new intuition.library natively dragging screen

Format: XviD - MPEG1
Running Time: 00:02:00
Uploaded: 21st August 2005

Video Raw SCAG footage, April 2005
Totally unedited

Format: XviD
Running Time: 00:34:06
Uploaded: 4th April 2005

Video OS4 Teaser, March 2005
Video made by Crisot showing the latest snapshot of AmigaOS4 beta running on his AmigaOne. Among other things you get to see Warp3D, WarpOS and Petunia in action.

Format: DivX
Running Time: 00:20:15
Uploaded: 26th March 2005

Video OS4 on the BlizzardPPC
This is a short video made by me (Ryu) on my Amiga which is an A1200 BlizzardPPC and BVision running OS4beta.

Format: MJPEG - MPEG1
Running Time: 00:02:55
Uploaded: 28th December 2004

Video Ottawa Amiga Show 2004
This is some footage shot at the Ottawa Amiga show, seems to of been a succesfull event.

Format: XviD - MPEG1
Running Time: 00:15:23
Uploaded: 23rd November 2004

Audio Garry Hare speach
Garry Speaks at the AmiWest2004 banquet, captured and broadcasted live by the UGN team.

Format: MP3
Running Time: 00:52:56
Uploaded: 25th July 2004

Audio Garry Hare Interview
Garry Hare Interviewed at the AmiWest2004 Amiga show by Bill Bosari of UGN.

Format: MP3
Running Time: 00:51:18
Uploaded: 25th July 2004

Video MooVid native on OS4
Crisot shows off the OS4 native video player MooVid, which supports many video formats.

Format: MPEG1
Running Time: 00:00:28
Uploaded: 24th July 2004

Video Native Picasso96 Graphics system on OS4
Crisot shows the major speed incrase of the graphics system Picasso96 now that its native.

Format: MPEG1
Running Time: 00:02:04
Uploaded: 12th July 2004
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