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AmigaOS Software

This database is designed to track the hundreds of available applications that are compatible with AmigaOS 4.x, whether native applications or classic applications from the OS 3.x days. Here you can look up a specific application to see if it works and how. Keeping the database current relies upon your input so please, if you see something missing, would like to add a tip to a title already listed, or believe there is a mistake, let us know!

Native AmigaOS 4.x Software
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Program Version Compatability

Cathangband 3.0.3 FULL
An Angband variant.

ClicketyFlip 1.0 FULL
Swaps screens by double clicking the middle mouse button.

shows a popup about the capslock key state.

Codebench 0.32 FULL
The premier AmigaOS development tool, this IDE is designed from the ground up for the AmigaOS SDK, supporting C (among other languages), excellent project management facilities, a great text editor, online help, and much more.

Codesets.library 6.2 FULL
Shared library to convert between charsets (used by YAM for instance). Versions also exist for 68k and MOS.

ContextMenusScripts 0.5 FULL
A selection of scripts for the context menus commodity.

CPUClock 1.1 FULL
A docky that displays CPUTimer and a clock

CRC Tools 1.0 FULL
Tools for Cyclic Redundancy Checks

Crimson Fields 0.4.1 FULL
Strategy game , with sound.(This game should be on your pre release cd)

Crossfire 2 1.04 FULL
Crossfire II is known as one of the best 2D Space-Action shooters. A native version is available through either Alinea Computing or APC&TCP.
In Crossfire II you play the role of Karsten, a fighter pilot of the rebels. A wide range of missions awaits you, ranging from escort, defense to large battles in an armada of ships. These missions tell an extensive story with several surprising turns that take you to the strangest places of the known universe.

CWM Moria 1.1.0 FULL
A rogue based RPG.

Cyber OS4 1 FULL
A Mandlebrot generator.

CygnusEd Pro 5.2 FULL
CygnusEd version 5 is the latest version of the famous Amiga text editor, enhanced with new features, stability, and performance. The "Ed" auxiliary tool was rewritten from scratch and its complete source code is included with the editor. Many limitations and deficiencies of the classic CygnusEd were removed. Version 5 is also the first CygnusEd release ported entirely, including all auxiliary tools, to the PowerPC (AmigaOS 4) and one of the first commercial software packages specially adapted for AmigaOS 4.

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Classic Software
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Program Version Compatability

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