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AmigaOS Software

This database is designed to track the hundreds of available applications that are compatible with AmigaOS 4.x, whether native applications or classic applications from the OS 3.x days. Here you can look up a specific application to see if it works and how. Keeping the database current relies upon your input so please, if you see something missing, would like to add a tip to a title already listed, or believe there is a mistake, let us know!

Native AmigaOS 4.x Software
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[R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [#] [All]
Program Version Compatability

Classic Software
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[R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [#] [All] [Non-Compatible]
Program Version Compatability

Aqua 1 FULL

Yep got the game Aqua to work under OS4.
All you do to get it working is to install the game as usual but if you run the game as is there be no sound. So go the the Emerald Imaging web site and down load the AHI patch and copy it to

ArtEffect 4.0.7 FULL
Image processing software. Closest thing to Photoshop for the Amiga. Must open on screen with compositing effects disabled to avoid artifacts. Install the OS4 native wizard.library, too.

ArtEffect 3 FULL
This program works very well.

ArtEffect 1.5 Partial
Needed to delete ArtEffect:Settings files and select an 8-bit screen before it would open. It then works fine until the fill tool is selected.

ArTKanoid 2.8 FULL
Arkanoid clone, works like a charm on os4 and it's got alot of diffrent skins etc.

ARTM 2.04 Partial
This amiga system monitor program has lots of features that work - showing libraries, tasks, etc. Do NOT select MONITOR - it locks up. Obviously it is better to use an OS4 version of this - look for "monitor" on OS4depot.

ArtPro 1.20b FULL
verified by scabit (31/08/12)

ArtStudio n/a FULL
verified by scabit (31/08/12)

verified by scabit (31/08/12)

ASp 0.88 FULL
Sinclair ZX Spectrum emulator. Works with OS4 Final JIT enabled.

AssignView 1.0 FULL
Shows your system assigns in a window.

AsteroidsTR 1.1 FULL
An extremely well designed pd version of asteroids, it has a wide selection of features but i like one in particular and thats "Global Highscore" which is a highscore table online where u can upload (in an easy way) to the website + down

Audio Engineer II 1.01 FULL
The old classic program Audio Engineer II works fine in OS4.1 u5. All features work, loading, saving, manipulating waveforms. However, the waveform display dos not appear in the window - even when blitzen is run.

Autodoc Viewer 1|41 Partial
Autodoc viewer. Works, but unstable.

AutoDocArt 1.0311 FULL
A program to confortably view the AmigaOS4 Autodocs. If the installer fails toward the end, just copy the entire directory manually to where you want it and it will work.

Aview 1.0 FULL
verified by scabit (31/08/12)

AWeb 3.5beta FULL
Open source web browser

AXDiff 1.0 FULL
Graphical file compare tool - shows file differences side by side.

AZap 2.40 FULL
Binary editor

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