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AmigaOS Software

This database is designed to track the hundreds of available applications that are compatible with AmigaOS 4.x, whether native applications or classic applications from the OS 3.x days. Here you can look up a specific application to see if it works and how. Keeping the database current relies upon your input so please, if you see something missing, would like to add a tip to a title already listed, or believe there is a mistake, let us know!

Native AmigaOS 4.x Software
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q]
[R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [#] [All]
Program Version Compatability

Classic Software
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q]
[R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] [#] [All] [Non-Compatible]
Program Version Compatability

The Office 1.0 None
This program does not work at all with OS4.1 update 5.

Thor 2.6a FULL
Thor seems to be faster than even the PPC version of Yam, so far.
Installing it requires you to have a back-up copy of your /Classes
drawer. Thor puts older versions in there, so you have to replace the
old ones with the new ones. (ImageFX 4.5 do

TolleUhr 1.7 FULL
Really nice analog clock.

ToolsDaemon 2.1b FULL
ToolsDaemon provides addition menus from Workbench.
I have been using ToolsDaemon for several months with no
errors or GRs. Be sure to download version 2.1 first from
AMINET, then the patch above to update it to the proper
working version for

Tornado3d 2.1a None
Program runs only with a special (Classic Amiga) Game-Port hardware, not available on AmigaOne.

task analyzer; verified by scabit (31/08/12)

TransADF 4.0.46 FULL
TransADF is a utility that can transfer Amiga Disk Files (ADFs) to and from Amiga disk drives, as well as any other disk-kile device (eg RAD:, FMS: etc)

TransWrite 1.0 FULL
verified by scabit (31/08/12)

TuiTED 1.9alpha FULL
IDE and html hightlight editor with nice features.

Turbo Calc 5 Partial
Spreadsheet software. Spreadsheet: Don't use SmartRefresh (Global setting), Crashes with OS4 Update 1.

TurboBase 1.04E FULL
Demo version appears to work flawlessly on A-1.. Dont have the full version.

Turbocalc 4 FULL
Appears to work fine under OS4. More testing to go.

TurboCalc 2.0 FULL
Works perfectly in OS4 beta 2. This program was released by
Creative Developments and is a full fledged spreadsheet
program with graphics and formulas etc.

TurboCalc (Magic 3.5 FULL
This is a free version of TurboCalc included on Aminet CDs and Amiga Magic software packages. It works just fine on OS4 Pre-release 3.

TurboCalc (Magic) 3.5 FULL
This is a free version of TurboCalc included on Aminet CDs and Amiga Magic software packages. It works just fine on OS4 Pre-release 4.

TurboPrint 7.60 FULL
verified by eliyahu (31/08/12)

TurboText 2 FULL
29-June-2005 - As of OS4 Update3 TurboText no longer crashes during a Find operation and appears to be 100%
functional. I'm using TurboText daily with no problems.

Search engine for classic Amiga.

TVpaint 3.59 FULL
The linked page is in French, use a webpage translator if necessary.

Typeface 1.24 FULL
Bitmap font editor

Typesmith 2.5b FULL
Font editor. With the fake-native screen modes, it works perfectly.

Typing Tutor n/a FULL
verified by scabit (31/08/12)

UltraAccounts 5.1 FULL
Shows a DSI error on startup. Click More.... then Ignore DSI errors to run. Works fine after that.

Videoscape 3D 2.01 FULL
verified by scabit (31/08/12)

ViewTek 2.1.387 FULL
verified by scabit (31/08/12)

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