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AmigaOS Software

This database is designed to track the hundreds of available applications that are compatible with AmigaOS 4.x, whether native applications or classic applications from the OS 3.x days. Here you can look up a specific application to see if it works and how. Keeping the database current relies upon your input so please, if you see something missing, would like to add a tip to a title already listed, or believe there is a mistake, let us know!

Native AmigaOS 4.x Software
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Program Version Compatability

List68k 1.04 FULL
Lists all 68k programs in the directory tree.

LoView - the easy viewer 1.1 FULL
A fast and powerful viewer supporting a large number of formats (based on installed datatypes).

Requires AISS.

MagnifiCAD 1.2 FULL
Graphics CAD drawing package. Does postscript printing, supports multiple layers and objects, has many features. Reads and writes AutoCAD DXF files.

MailText.MCC 3.2 FULL
MUI custom class to display text (Used by Jabberwocky for example).

Mason Icons Collection 2000-2003 1 FULL
Mason Icons made from 2000 to 2003

MindGUI 0.1 FULL
MindGUI allows ReAction novices to design and create ReAction GUIs. This is a modified version of MindSpace

MindSpace 0.97 FULL
Flowcharting application for OS4 - can use Mason's AISS.

Mini Calc 1 FULL
A colourful calculator that doesn't live up to its name.

Mixer 1.11 FULL
An update of Mixer from the pre-cd. Contains bug fixes.

Alternative skin:

MooVid 1.6 FULL
MooVid is a fast and cool avi, mpeg, mov player. From version 1.7 is full native for OS4.

Moovid 1.7beta FULL
This is a Quicktime player amongst other file formats. This version is part of os4 update 2...

MPEG2 video codec 1.2 FULL
Decodes and Encodes MPEG2 video.

MPGtx 1.3 FULL
Manipulates MPG files. An OS4 port.

MUIbase 2.11 FULL
Terrific relational database system for next-generation Amiga systems; verified by eliyahu (31/08/12)

MUIBuilder svn85 FULL
MUIBuilder is a user interface designer for the MUI and Zune toolkits. Goal of this project is to make it portable for all AmigaOS-like operating systems.

Multiviewer 1.1 FULL
A replacement for the Multiview utility included with AmigaOS since the Commodore days, this datatypes-based file viewer offers tons of new features and a Reaction-based GUI

NetMon 0.34 FULL
A small network Monitor for Roadshow, similar to MiamiDX' Control Panel. Uses MUI.

A port for OS4. A collection of tools for manipulating images.

NetSurf 2.9 FULL

nrg2iso 0.4 FULL
Converts NRG images to ISOs.

Omega PPC 0.80.4 FULL
A Rogue style RPG.

Open JPEG Library 1.3 FULL
A JPEG 2000 codec written in C.

Open SSH connectivity tools 4.7p1-2 FULL
A port of OpenSSH for OS4, some assigns are required.

OpenURL 7.2 FULL
A shared library and preference program to configure and access an URL. OS3.x & 4 and MOS versions exist.

OS1.3 pointers 1.1 FULL

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Classic Software
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Program Version Compatability

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