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AmigaOS Software

This database is designed to track the hundreds of available applications that are compatible with AmigaOS 4.x, whether native applications or classic applications from the OS 3.x days. Here you can look up a specific application to see if it works and how. Keeping the database current relies upon your input so please, if you see something missing, would like to add a tip to a title already listed, or believe there is a mistake, let us know!

Native AmigaOS 4.x Software
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Program Version Compatability

Arnold FULL
Amstrad CPC Emulator

asyncio.library 50.2 FULL
asyncio.library compiled for OS4 PPC Native.

Atari 800 FULL
Atari 8-bit computers emulator

Atari++ FULL
Atari 8 bit computers and 5200 console emulator

Atari800 2.3 FULL
An Atari800 emulator.

aTunes 2.9 FULL
Terrific program to organize your entire music collection; uses AmigaAMP to do the actual audio playing. Closest thing to iTunes on the Amiga.

Audio Evolution 4 FULL
Audio Evolution 4 gives you unsurpassed power for digital audio recording and editing on the Amiga. The latest release focusses on time-saving non-linear and non-destructive editing, as seen on other platforms. Now free!

Audio Setup 1 FULL
Copies the correct audio driver for your PCI soundcard.

AutoDocViewer 0.9 FULL
ReAction based AutoDoc viewer for AmigaOS 4

AWK for OS4 - just unpack to SDK:

Barage 22OCT04 FULL
Destroy as many targets as possible in 3 minutes.

BarsnPipes OS4 0.7 FULL
This is the furtherdeveloped and ported version of the well know best Multimedia-MIDI-sequencer software - which was ever made for Computers - from Blue Ribbon Inc.

Base64 1.0 FULL
Enables the docding of Base64 MIME settings and documents.

Basilisk II 0.9 FULL
Open source 68k Apple Mac emulator

Battle for Wesnoth 1.0rc1 FULL
Turn based stratergy SDL game,

Fight to regain the throne of Wesnoth, of which you are the legitimate heir, or use your dread power over the Undead to dominate the land of mortals...

Acorn BBC emulator

Bible Text Viewer 1.7 FULL
Bible Text viewer for OS4.

Big OS4 Pointer 1.0 FULL

Black Shoot 1.1 FULL
A small Duckhunt styled game.

Blobwars 0.98.1 FULL
A platform based shoot 'em up.

Cathangband 3.0.3 FULL
An Angband variant.

ClicketyFlip 1.0 FULL
Swaps screens by double clicking the middle mouse button.

shows a popup about the capslock key state.

Codebench 0.32 FULL
The premier AmigaOS development tool, this IDE is designed from the ground up for the AmigaOS SDK, supporting C (among other languages), excellent project management facilities, a great text editor, online help, and much more.

Codesets.library 6.2 FULL
Shared library to convert between charsets (used by YAM for instance). Versions also exist for 68k and MOS.

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Classic Software
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Program Version Compatability

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