Submit customisations
Here you can submit your icon sets, backgrounds etc. to IntuitionBase. The maximum size for a submission is 10 megabytes, if you would like to upload something bigger please contact the staff directly.
After having carefully filled all the necessary fields on the form, click submit and wait for your archives to get uploaded to our server. Your submission will then be checked by one of our administrators and added to the customisations section. If there were problems with uploading or your submission doesn't appear on the site in the next couple of days, please contact us.
If you are sending something else than a backdrop, we would appreciate a preview screen shot of your icon set / theme / other in action. It is not strictly necessary though so feel free to leave the preview field empty if you don't have a screenshot available.
Please make sure you use filenames that don't already exist in the customisations section otherwise things tend to go wrong.